Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Good for nothing, The story of the [potential/look promising] man

Hi Archinect, It been long time since my last post [Lets-start-a-social-network-for-buildings]. it was an amazing to see that response to this post on twitter and FB etc … it even made it on the front page for full 5 hours before Archinect decided to remove it. I think bjarke ingels gave them an angry call about me messing with his projects photos .. Mehh I still love bjarke :)

so Where were me ? well after my last post i got the letter [actually it was an email the bastards didn't even bother to send me a post mail ] from University of washington , School of Architecture telling me that the graduate committee have not selected me for the 2012 M.arch Program. I was super angry , Depressed and even suicidal. I sent them an angry emails and if it was up to me i would even throw angry birds on them. okay that was a silly joke. But i have been working on joining Architecture school for very long time.
I know that some of you (if they still reading) wonders did i just applied to one School ? well yes i did, for 2 reasons. 1) I needed to add so credit to my grades so i toke a full semester at UW since it was in my town 2) i didn't have enough money after i spent my last on this stupid semester to apply for different places especially that i got no job.

anyways i went to the head of the program Mr. Alex anderson as he kindly offered me to meet up with him to explain what went wrong. and from what i understood there wasn't much wrong with my application. it was just there were too many applicants and they simply had to turn down some even if they were qualified, because they go limited number. He ended up his talk with u got {potentials} and ur work [look promising] somehow those words did not make me happy. Three damn years i have been hearing the same damn words for too damn long every time i got C in undergrad School or received one of those [unfortunately, we hired someone else] emails .
But some would ask, why i am so angry this time more than ever ? I mean as Mr.Alex said there is always next year right ? well its not that simple sir Alex as i got a little problem. Besides that i got no money for even pay the 75 dollars application fees, I no longer remember anything about Architecture.Zero, Nothing , not from school nor from the short work experience i had before i lost my job after the market crashed.  Frightening ? Yes , at least for me.  but here is the more terrifying news .i got no skills to even find another job ! I am simply right now Good for nothing with lots of potentials and promises ….. L O L